2023.09.12 Meeting Minutes

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Peotone Park District Minutes

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Board Members Present – Barb Sim, Shaun Ziems, Jackie VanOvermeiren, Aimee Saari, Lindsay Schwiesow.

Staff Present – Kelly LaMore, Jeff Eschbach


The meeting was called to order by President Sim at 6:02 p.m. Quorum was present.


Motion to approve minutes of the August 8, 2023 board meeting by Ziems, second by Saari. Roll call vote VanOvermeiren – yes, Saari – yes, Ziems – yes, Schwiesow – Abstain, Sim – yes. Motion carried 4/0/1.


Public Comment – No public comment.


Reports –

Financial Report –   Another tax payment is expected soon, may need to move some money between accounts.  Notified of a change in the Corporate Income Tax that will affect our Personal Property Replacement tax payment.


Compliance Legal – Commissioner Sim may have a few things to send to Wade soon regarding the school district agreement.


Maintenance Report – Jeff reported the volleyball courts are complete, baseball and softball fields are being prepped for winter now that season is over.  Limestone is being spread on the path.


Managers Report – Kelly reported on updates to the bathroom construction project.  We are waiting on confirmation from the county regarding starting with the indoor restrooms.  The Peotone MVP Circuit Challenge Disc Golf Tournament is coming up on October 1.  Registration is going well.  Planning to participate in the Christmas in the Village day this year with an activity at the park district as well as a float in the parade.  Would like to bring on a part time programmer to assist with program planning and activities.  Fall flyers are out to residents and grade schools. Working with Chris on several problems with online registration. Could do group emails through him.  He is working up numbers.


Accounts Payable and Payroll

Motion to approve by VanOvermeiren, second by Ziems.

Roll call vote – VanOvermeiren – yes, Saari – yes, Ziems– yes, Schwiesow – yes, Sim – yes.

Motion carried, 5/0.


Old Business

  1. New Programs – Tabled
  2. Capital Improvements – Discussion held on capital needs and last fall’s planning meeting. Would definitely like to update equipment, but don’t think we have the budget.
  3. Authorize Repairs/upgrades to park facilities – Tabled
  4. Authorize repairs/upgrades to park equipment – Tabled


New Business –

  1. Rec Care After School Program – Commissioner Saari has been approached about a need for the program. Discussion held on doing something to see if there is a need for the service.  The program was stopped in 2022 due to not enough participants. It was decided to put something in the winter flyer to see if there is interest.
  2. Will County Fair – Discussion held on the use of the park grounds as an unauthorized parking lot during the Will County Fair. Worried about safety of the patrons using the park when cars are driving on it.  It was decided to reach out to the fair board regarding ideas to do something different.
  3. Approve purchase of playground equipment – Tabled
  4. Approve levy ordinance – Tabled
  5. Motion to approve conveyance of Blue Devil Drive to Peotone Community School District 207U by Ziems, 2nd by Saari. Roll call vote, VanOvermeiren – Yes, Ziems – Yes, Schwiesow – Yes, Saari – Yes, Sim – Yes. Motion carried, 5/0.
  6. Motion to approve resolution to include Peotone Park District under a section 218 agreement with the state employees retirement system by VanOvermeiren, 2nd by Ziems. Roll call vote, VanOvermeiren – Yes, Ziems – Yes, Schwiesow – Yes, Saari – Yes, Sim – Yes. Motion carried, 5/0.
  7. Discussion on resolution for referendum to be placed on March 19, 2024 general primary ballot. Discussion was held on the need to raise the tax base to care for the park. Would only be one question. Need to be ready by January.

Correspondence/Communications/Petitions – None at this time

Commissioner Remarks – Nothing at this time.


Motion to adjourn the board meeting at 8:12 p.m. by Ziems. Second by Sim. Voice vote, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Kelly J. LaMore, Park Manager